Tuesday, April 27, 2010

We have 4 new leaders!

The 24th of April was a seminar for training the leaders of study circles, organized by the Resource program.
From our YMCA participated Anya Maikova, Luda Nikolaeva, Andrei Kovalev and Katia Nikiforova.
Congratulations! You are now - officially trained leaders of study circles! Now your main goal is to organize your first own circles!
At the seminar we learned more about the "Educational School", which is held this year under the Resource program of the principles of academic circles, the role of leader of the circle, how to build a first lesson.
Also, due to a psychological expert, we have analyzed our own leadership and creativity potential.
We learned about the concept of "project" and the foundations of design of the project proposal.
I hope that future projects will be really interesting and really creative!
Good luck and keep optimistic and efficiency!

Olga Lukina

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Our Tensing took third place!

At the Festival "Theatres of Schools-14 "our Tensing took third place with the show "The Puppet theatre"!

Christina Goldina and Alexander Shuliak marked as actors!

Also, the guys got a prize for the development of youth topics!

Guys, heartily congratulate you and wish you did not stop there! After all, Lenin himself commanded - "Study, study and study again!" :-)))
We believe in you!

And now about how it was, from our main character - Kristinochka Goldina:

Our new show "The puppet theatre" by Victoria Surkova, it seems to me - is very deep and sincere.
In it we tried to show people our view of life, our feelings and emotions. We would like to say that if you really love a person, you should always be together, because together you can resist all the troubles and miseries. It is always easier.
During rehearsals we are not learned the words we should say, we really felt and played like we feel. Before working with the play "The puppet theatre" we all talked together about what we may change. And the most interesting, in my view, we invented the biographies of our heroes. It may seem that this is not very interesting, but in fact it is fascinating. Thus, our performance is truly alive.
Rehearsals were very fun and lively. For example, I could not wait for rehearsals, it's so exciting, it was held in one breath. And in rehearsals we did all sorts of exercises on trust, to feel each other on stage. We closed our eyes and imagined ourselves like dolls, feeling that every cell of our body. Each of us had our own puppet.
Each time, leaving the scene our hearts beat stronger, and not because we are afraid - no! And because, coming out to the audience, we are living this little life on the stage truly and we enjoy what we do very much!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Learn to dance Shuffle!

Zhenia Pochepko:

And yesterday there was dancing!
Yes ... friends - that's good! Recently, walking around the city and saw an interesting young guy who was dancing ... ... yeah ... right in the city ... on the tile of a new avenue of stars :)))) looked hard and realized it was my old friend Sergei! We talked with him and it turned out that he is training in new techniques of dance shuffle, in Vitebsk, only a few people are engaged in the development of this interesting course. And so, as a patriot YMCA, I invited Sergei to work with our YMCA and, if someone likes this train we will develop this activiy.
So, our next meeting on Tuesday at 18.00 - meeting in our club! Come! It will be hot!

And a short article for the introduction of the topic:
Shuffle - style dance club, means "mixing". Indeed, the Shuffle include the elements of STEP, popping, locking, breking, Mining, "running man" and others. Dancer Shuffle, not stopping glides over the floor, causing a genuine admiration of the spectators. Of great importance in this regard to personality of the dancer, his know-how "in the performance of elements Shuffle. Shuffle Performed by the music styles of rave, various modifications of house, techno, in general, all that is considered a club music.
Shuffle appeared in Melbourne (Australia) in late 1980 - early 1990's. As an independent style, Shuffle began to distinguish a variety of arm movements, combined with traditional chords for the legs in the style of "techno". Style Shuffle quickly became popular at raves, trance party, and other advanced European hangouts. He is a very rapidly developing today.

Our guys returned from Volozhin

Trips and friends - what could be more interesting and fun in our YMCA-life! Travelings for our volunteers - it is a reward for their labors, it is an opportunity to feel a part of the YMCA!
5 of our guys-multiplicators just back from Volozhin. They participated there in the seminar "New stage: school of volunteers". And then, finally, a week later we can enjoy the pictures and hear their comments!

Dmitry Sinitsyn:
Everyone liked the seminar, the first day I sat there and did not know what will.
I'm no one knew, but later we all met, and in the evening we went to the city together. An the square we were playing a game "Legs"! Later, we were playing a game of "Crocodile" (it was very fun!). There was no time to sleep, because in the 1 st day we were given homework: to prepare a basic part of the seminar (in our group had 5 people) and we spent under number 1 because we have no luck with dice. The last night we all slept only 2 hours, but all were cheerful! Every evening, sitting at someone in the room we were playing games, telling jokes, watching movies.

Sergey Rudenko:

I liked a lot of things! For example, the group, coaches, workshops! The town is small. We are on the first night went to the city and in the square we played a game of "legs" - it was great opportunity to know each other. In general, talked together! Funny guys! I saw a dilapidated house of culture, people of Volozhin )))). I got the information what information what color you can write. We told many jokes to each other! Most interestingly, After the seminar we compiled lists of our goals! It was great!

Masha Djatlova:
Oh, everything was cool ..... We ourselves have conducted seminars on HIV / AIDS. In my group were Dima Sinitsyn, Olga, Inna Vaganova and Pasha! We went through the city at night, we played different games, telling jokes! It was fun! Cooks prepared perfectly! We played games, with all the friends (the guys from Brest, Lida, Molodechno, Minsk !!))) learned a lot of interesting things - such as how to deal with difficult participants! We went to bed very late! I found many new friends! I am full of emoutions! And generally it was all Cool !!!!!


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Our condolences to the Polish people

The tragedy, which occurred near Smolensk with the Polish airplane, stirred up the whole world. I was also shocked, because Poland is associated with 10 months of my life. I went there as a volunteer. Took me a public organization of Gdynia - "Center of Youth Cooperation". I remember when I received the confirmation of my application, my dad showed me the album with views of Gdynia, which was released in the 70-ies. I was very upset - so unsightly and such a small town it seemed to me then. Now, if you ask me what my favorite city in Poland, I do not hesitate to answer - Gdynia! Or Trojmiasto - the three cities located from each other in 30 minutes by train: Gdynia-Sopot-Gdansk! Very beautiful cities!!!
My volunteering there was not so easy:
First, for CWM I was the first volunteer; it was their first experience;
and secondly, I was going there solely to work and not to build my personal life, as many others: on the eve of my departure I got married. CWM wanted from me full-time commitment and excessive admiration, and I left my soul in Vitebsk with my husband and hoped that the Poles will become my second family. Our expectations were not realized. But even so, I recall my life in Poland with tenderness and awe! This volunteer work has made me more mature, more experienced, more tolerant. The "Center of youth cooperation" has changed as well - now the working with volunteers - is their leading direction. Now they have the whole volunteer community! Volunteers can support each other, warm, caress, become a family to each other!
By the way, there was no a volunteer from Belarus, except for me. Try! Write to the application, and you may be invited and you, as me, will plunge into a mysterious Polish life! By the way, except for long-term programs (European Volunteer Service) CWM spends a lot of other activities, which may be invited participants from other countries. Its "Study visits" and "Youth exchanges" - chic programs, so interesting and informative! However, there is no need for me to tell you about it, you can learn everything from their web-site yourself!
I, in turn, wish to express my condolences to the Polish people in connection with the crash of the aircraft, as well as my gratitude to CWM and the people who work in this organization: Tomasz Brodewicz, Magdalena Herszkowicz, Krzysztof Jezierski, Aleksandra Tomaka, Anna Krzeszowska many others! Thank you!!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Four circles!

Study circles. In Soviet times, the study circles were not very popular because, more often, they meant classes of needlework. There went shy girl, but for more active and expressive guys there was boring and not interesting. But now that times have changed, and changed attitudes to learning circles. Now here comes all the more interesting and talented guys! After all, the study circles it is an opportunity to express themselves, to show their abilities, here every member can act as a leader: to think about the theme of classes, to pick up a methodology and ways to achieve the goals! You work in a team, which he himself picked up, you do what you are most interested in at the moment, you looking for and find!
Now in our YMCA began its work 4 study circle, led by Olga Lukina ("The School of Success"), Nadia Lukashenko ("We are the family"), Zhenja Pochepko ("The Search group") and Vika Surkova ("Steps to Vitebsk").

Our congratulations to the Palace!

Unfortunately, in our country, government agencies do not like to cooperate with public organizations. But we are very lucky!!! Because during the most difficult times for our YMCA, times of our formation, a state institution of education helped us - the Palace of Children and Youth! We worked there for several years, getting help, care, material support, and we brought to the Palace of many young people and attention!

The 10th of April our Palace turned 5 years old!
We congratulate the Palace and especially its director - Larisa Mishurnaja!
We hope that our cooperation will continue for many more years!

New levels

April 10-12 in Volozhin was a seminar for multiplicators "New levels: school for volunteers".
From our YMCA participated 5 multiplicators: Parfenova Alina, Djatlova Masha, Batyukov Andrei, Rudenko Sergei and Dmitry Sinitsyn.
The program of seminar was consisted of the following workshops: awareness-raising seminars for peers, sharing of skills training and technology to work with "difficult participants", methods of completion of the seminar, YMCA: tradition and modernity, and more. Coaches of seminar were Olga Sviderskaya and Inna Poliychuk.
Our guys came from Volozhin so happy, because apart from the interesting lessons and classes, they have found new friends, interesting talking and saw a beautiful city that we all love!
Volozhin - truly unique city, apparently, the only in Belarus, where you can find in a small area located near 5 monuments of classical architecture of the 1-st half of the XIX century.
In addition, there is a house of YMCA in Volozhin, where we love to gather, to learn something, meet our friends and have fun!
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