YMCA Belarus Cultural Event
5-9 August 2010, Vitebsk, Belarus
Welcome to the Festival of YMCA Belarus where you will experience not only program activities of YMCA Belarus but also you will be able to enjoy the Culture of Vitebsk - a beautiful town, a motherland of Marc Chagall.
Idea of the Event
The idea is to enjoy YMCA fellowship and feel the magnificent world-known Belarusian culture and hospitality.
We see that the Event can motivate, unite, educate and entertain participants.
What can magnetize foreigners to come to Vitebsk?
Vitebsk is a cultural center of Belarus. It is a Motherland of Marc Chagall - a creator of unique art masterpieces, Zhores Alferov - a Nobel Prize Winner. It was a place for creativity of Ilia Repin, Kazimir Malevich, Ieguda Pen, Vasilij Bykov, Boris Hesin and many others.
The components of the Event:
Cultural dimension
Expression of yourself
YMCA Belarus programs variety
The program will embrace:
- Presentations of delegations
- Workshops and master-classes
- Team work
- Self-expression ("My Marc Chagall", finding yourself, your team and your World)
- Exploring Vitebsk - photo hunting
- Disco
- YMCA competitions
Blue and gray music of the Event:
YMCA people - 100-150
Duration - 5-9 August 2010
Participants cover their stay and travel cost
Participation fee covers preparatory work, local transportation, materials, etc.
Participants can live in not expensive apartments not far from Vitebsk or in any hotel they are ready to pay for (information about accommodation you can find in a separate paper)
Volunteers of YMCA Belarus will help you with meeting, accommodation, excursions, etc.
further information you can ask writing to Olga look123@mail.ru
If you are interested, please, write to look123@mail.ru (Olga Lukina) and we will send you the participation form and any other information you need.