YMCA Vitebsk has been working for more than 9 years. Nowadays we have 23 official member, about 10 strong leaders, 40 constant participants of all the programs; every year about 4 000 people (on the whole) take part in different events organized by our team.
Our board includes main leaders responsible for different activities: Tatiana Mirsalimova, (a Chairperson), Olga Lukina, Lena Litvinchuk, Elvira Mirsalimova, Viktoriya Shevchuk, Ann Ilicheva, Alexey Dozortsev.
Our main programs:
Youth FOR healthy way of life
Thematic Discos
Social work
Educational circles
The work is built in such a way that all the programs intercross. They help each other in developing.
Our main priorities now are:
· Involvement of new active members. Their motivation and education
· Creating new opportunities for developing of grown up members
· Creating the team
· Building strong structure which will allow us functioning better
So we plan to continue this work, to precede working together with all the programs as a unity in this special way and to find some new methods and possibilities to make the life of youngsters filled with sense and love to each other.

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