For that I love Scouts, it is because they can not do nothing. Even their most important holiday they spent usefully - as we say, combine business with pleasure.
This holiday - is the Birthday of Baden Powell - the founder of Scouts.
We gathered together yesterday in our club. Finally I have seen how the club became comfortable: curtains, rug .. but best of all in its interior look our Scouts - "leopards" and "wolverines" - they snarl, roar and bite ... No, of course, despite the name of its patrols, they are quite lovely and cute guys. The first part of the holiday - interactive-control. Kristina laid some cards with important events of the life of BP and the dates a
Is not it funny only to those who did not go in real scouts campaigns.
The second part - games and songs. Mobile games, comic, funny, during which we have found that the space of our club is terribly close, and the mirrors can be a serious impediment. Songs - mostly from our repertoire are emotional and melodic. In general, it was fun and easy.
Scouts, we congratulate you once again with the birthday of Baden