On the photo is Andrew Batyukov. It's time to tell the world about our newcomers, who have already did not novices - they are almost the members of our extended family.
So. The 28th of January Andrew Batyukov and Dima Sinitsyn had organized a role play. That was their first experience! The game was attended by 13 people and took place in our club. The guys have chosen a rather complicated game, and someone did not fully understand its essence, but that did not stop everyone to take a fancy for this game and forget about reality. They was so fun that during the play came the staff of Inspections juvenile to find out what happened and why it is so noisy. But do not be afraid: everything was not as bad as you think, just the Inspection department is exactly behind our wall, they are our neighbors, and shouting and scuffling that accompanied the game, prevented them from working. In the end, everything was decided amicably: Tatiana asked our neighbors to suffer, because the game is a game and interfere in it now is not possible. Incidentally, a similar incident occurred on one of our scout's activities during this game. Casual visitors to the House of Culture (where we played) seeing the students with the syringe (they depicted doctors) and hearing the cries: "Do not shoot me!" (Andrew Kostko inherited the role of the deranged Captain)), called in police to "immediately stop this ugliness." We, of course, explained to policemen that this is just a role play and with them and women, complaining at us, was laughing at the situation. From personal experience: role-playing game - it is an excellent opportunity to unite the team and to introduce (even become friends) children together. Shy or reserved, putting on a mask or examples of others' role, is easier to contact and quickly revealed as a person.