Events, which wants to tell, contributes absolutely occurred 90 years ago. In the autumn of 1919. In Vitebsk. One artist has not converged in the views on art with other. So what? It’s absolutely usual thing among artists. A trifle, it would seem. Only the names of artists are famous worldwide: Chagall and Malevich.
Such so strange birthday ...
In this story we know everything. Every nuance revised and re-scanned. On this subject, written books and theses are protected. We can only repeat what others, just like the hundredth time, telling a familiar story line, making only some of their own conclusions and placing different emphases.
So, Chagall. This name is inextricably linked to Vitebsk. Almost from Mayakovsky: We say - Vitebsk, mean - Chagall.
The fact that Mark Zakharych was back in his native city after the revolution, there is nothing surprising. With Lunacharsky they were familiar with in Paris. There lived the whole world the creative vanguard. Writers, artists, poets. Youth, talent and audacity!
Revolution. Vitebsk. Chagall.
All walls are painted by green goats and flying people. It is believed that such perfomensa which Mark gave no one ever, anywhere to create not try and duplicate can not. It was a grand installation! The whole city was brightly painted, like one big picture. Chagall, of course, painting.
Formed an art school. Chagall is responsible for everything and everyone: for the colors produces, and teaches the kids, and to address the economic. Teachers are invited to attend. Most, of course, advanced. Among them - Malevich. The main Russian avant-garde. It suffices to know that Malevich could draw squares of different colors, giving it like a true art. And what is the strangest thing he was believed.
The new system had to destroy the old, as is known, to the ground. And then ... !
All artists "forgot" about the "bourgeois" realism. Was thrown completely the primacy of the sensual beauty. Natural proportions are not consistent with the aspirations of world revolution. Abstract was dominated.
Chagall, between us, too went in the footsteps of his teacher, the painter Yehuda Pen. Giving of Chagall require some form of expression. And this shape, as time showed, was found.
In his book, «Ma vie» Mark Z. complains that he was droved out from Vitebsk. But it seems that he dissembled a little. He really missed but, apparently, the artist knew that the euphoria of the victory of the proletariat would soon pass. He had anticipated the offensive of terrible times. And although the “red chopper" was just initiate movement Shagall did not want to stay in this country.
And just mixed all the circumstances.
Cubist Malevich began to insist on the need to multiply the squares and other colored geometric shapes. Everything: the walls, facades, trams and even trains – was painted in the squares. All this painting was attached great aesthetic value.
Well, tell me where among this "cosmic art" Mark can snuggle with his goats and violinists? It was the conflict of ideologies. And then the war had reached. Minsk had already captured by the Poles. And Chagall left.
If Chagall stayed in Vitebsk, I think, would not he so great master, which enthusiastically said world. Socio-economic activities of the Vitebsk period took much time and energy. And the images were waiting for the incarnation.
And now time has passed and society don’t need the squares and stuff, which was once called the art.
Due to the fact that he left Chagall saved himself and his art, famous provincial Belarusian city of Vitebsk.
Dmitry Rubanik

The conflict of Chagall and Malevich