Not enough words to describe everything that happened on the 8th of December. But not only the eighth! All the previous week! We were celebrating the 5th of December – the International Volunteer Day, combined with the reception of visitors. And what visitors!
The General Secretary of the YMCA-Belarus Alexander Artyuschenko, the General Secretary of the YMCA Europe Johann Wilhelm Eltvik,
The Deputy of General Secretary of YMCA Europe Michal Shimanchak
and the Regional Secretary of the YMCA Europe Mikhail Guskov!
Of course, if not of their arrival, the holiday will be held in any case - just look everything is different: less solemn, less anxiety and fewer people.
A collection of our volunteers, we paid special attention.
- So, Zhenya, you ring up all the multiplicaters, do you understand? - For such cases Kristina typically uses a baritone and bulging eyes (see photo).
- OK, - Zh

- You're phoning all. Personally. – Kristina intently looking at her.
- Yes ..
- Personally. Phoning. Everybody.
- ...
- Warne them that if they do not come, we have them ... they will be ...
- Well, I understand, understand! - Does not stand Zhenya. – I’ll call! Just let them not come!
And so Kristina processed each leader. Will it work? Well, yes and no. Yes - because there were 40 people - so many at once, we probably have not seen (domestic programs), no - because if everybody went, it would be, at least twice.
The idea of event - "Time Machine" - came at once and somehow was easily accepted by all. But the realization of this idea generated controversies.
- In 2003 there came to us Norwegians ...
- No! It was later, in 2003 we went to Prague on the Festival ...
- Yes, the Festival - but our - Belarus, in Minsk ..
So, with gre

Talk about showing our videos, too, took a lot of time: show all together in a solemn part (according to Nadya) or during the interactive part (as suggested by Kristina), diluting with the games and songs. We Adopt option of Kristina.
Well, as soon as it came to preparation of the Belarusian meal our leaders do forget about everything, and dropping saliva, enthusiastically discussing the recipes of patties, potato pancakes and other Belarusian delicious. Me, Kristina and the male half of our group for a long time and patiently waited as our beautiful girls finish discussion of this this "tasty" topic. But when Kristina Goldina handed to Tatiana a paper and a pen to write the recipe, and Nadya for the tenth time repeating the word 'halva”, we did not stand and bro

And the most pleasant part of our meetings were, of course, rehearsing of songs. When the main part ended and the most serious leaders: Vika, Nadya and Zhenya - fled to their serious cases, we took a guitar and began to sing. Will we sing these songs at the our programm, we do not know, but what a wonderful cause! ))