Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Your life is in your hands!

Oh, how it was nice: just finished a seminar, but yesterday's newcomers are actively helping us. Disco has not yet begun, and blue shirts of volunteers have already filled the hall: someone at the entrance, someone near the stage, someone in the back. The program began as soon as the guests gathered. A disco has started after presentation of YMCA-Vitebsk. Dances were interspersed with games, contests and performances by dance groups. Leading called for a healthy lifestyle - and not so much words as a personal example. And it is impossible not to believe: the young, energetic, beautiful, modern, fun! What drugs? We - against drugs! We choose life! Our lives in our hands!
In the preparation and holding discos "Your life is in your hands" was attended by: Chairman YMCA-Vitebsk Mirsalimova Tatiana, volunteers YMCA-Vitebsk headed by the leader of activity "Thematic discos" Lena Litvinchuk, our friends from the YMCA of Russia: Marina Martynenko (Moscow) and Anastasia Mayorov (Ivanovo), School of Contemporary Dance "Phoenix", "Dance-master".

Friday, September 25, 2009

Hot weekend of YMCA Vitebsk!

Hot weekend of YMCA Vitebsk!
Join us!

Today - Friday 25 the seminar for the new multiplicators has started! They will be working for two days!
The trainers - Kristina Mirsalimova (YMCA volunteer), Inna Kaznacheeva (HIV prevention Department)

Tomorrow Tensing School and School of Universal Multiplicators will begin. They will work for two days.
The trainers - Viktoria Surkova(YMCA Vitebsk) and other Tensing volunteers - Anna Iliecheva, Kristina Goldina and others; Zhenja Pochepko (YMCA Vitebsk), Artem Rakov (YMCA Russia)

On Sunday we invite you to join a thematic disco! There our friends from YMCA Russia and our volunteers will present you a unique program on HIV prevention topic! Don't miss it! It will be very interesting!!!
The leaders: Lena Litvinchuk (YMCA Vitebsk), Marina Martinenko, Nastia Majorova (YMCA Russia)


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Great Sanskrit scientist from Vitebsk!!!!

Sometimes it happens that monuments are erected to well-known people only for the fact that they were passing through these places. For others who were living and working in the Vitebsk region - complete oblivion.

The name of our great countryman Caetano A. Kossovich is hardly known to ordinary readers. Information about him is very poor. Nevertheless, it can be put in one row with Belinsky, Chernyshevsky, Dobroluboff.

Actually, they were friends - they were in the same club, led by Stankevich. In his university years, his friends were Tolstoy, Obolensky and Golitsyn. Once they saved Kossovich from departation to the Caucasus.
As for the organ-players - Bach, for mathematicians - Pythagoras, so for Sanskrit students an unquestioned authority is Kossovich, the first Sanskrit scientist of the St. Petersburg University.
Sanskrit, as it is known, refers to the dead, outdated language. But in Sanskrit there were written greatest examples of manuscripts of Aryan civilization, the holy Mahabharata, with its unparalleled Bhagavad Gita, the Vedas, Upanishads and the laws of Manu. Sanskrit is also the ancestor of all Slavic languages.

Just think! Exept of Sanskrit Caetano A. perfectly knew and mastered ancient Iran (zendskim) and Old Persian, Jewish, Greek and Latin, and the newest: German, French, Italian, English, Greek and Arabic, Polish and Czech. For the residents of the 21 st century it looks fantastic! Moreover, Kossovich issued "Sanskrit-Russian Dictionary", "Greek-Russian Dictionary", "Jewish grammar". He taught Greek (Belinsky called Kossovich passionate Hellenists "), he was the author of many translations.

But for all its miraculous ability for languages, he poorly understood ... numbers! Valentin Pikul in his "Historical Miniatures" says that the most difficult for Kossovich was the number "seven" - the basis of the Jewish Kabbalah. It was sometimes ridiculous - Caetano elementary could not pay in the shop for the food! he gave all cash on the counter and asked the seller to count off the desired amount.

But let's come back to the beginning of our narration. Cayetano A.was born in 1815 in a "poor Belarusian village" near Polotsk, which name has not been preserved for history, in a family of a poor priest. The first school was the Uniate School in Polotsk, where he studied until 1828. Then - Vitebsk. Because of the absence of a uniforms for students, Caetano entered a school for bazilyantsev. Later, when he bought the uniform for two bottles of Tsimlyanskii wine , Kossovich enetred Vitebsk school. Pikul describes in details the entire interior of poverty: a mattress on the floor and a chair ... Oh, yes! Also - the bookcase with books in old Jewish language. That is, indeed, a treasure for the young inquisitive mind!

Rumors that a poor self-taught Belarusian learned old Jewish Talmud, so well that the local city rabbi shaked his head helplessly, say about the superiority of Kossovich in the knowledge of languages. The Jewish community of St. Petersburg, during the life of the author, promised to put a monument to the professor, for the transfer of valuable texts from the ancient Hebrews. Where is he this monument? Hey!

Next will be career, translations, ranks and positions - all the things that made him famous and outstanding.
Studying foreign languages, A. Cayetano did not give offense to his native Belarussian language. Here are his words in the comments to his own article: "I will note that the Belarusian dialect is not Lithuanian, as claimed, wrongly, and not one that was used in writing in the XVI century. Because the Belarusian language is something other than the Polish language with the Russian form ... Also, it can not be considered and Russian ... "
Sparrow, who was born in the stable, can not be called a horse. Privy Counselor, Dr. comparative linguistics, academic, peer who was not in scientific circles throughout the world, Caetano A. Kossovich is a personality of the planetary scale. But on the whole planet there was no place for a memorial to the memory of this great person! On the monuments the following words could be written: "Knowing so many languages, who are you to the actual fact: Sanskrit scientist, Semitic, Hellenist ...?
- Alas, I am just ...a Belarusian, who adores his poor people. "


The National Board of YMCA Belarus

The leaders of our YMCA Nadezhda Lukashenko and Olga Lukina are also members of the National Board of YMCA Belarus. 19-20 September they participated in the Board meeting which took place in Volozhin. As usual, there were discussed strategical things about further movement developing. The details will be given to the leaders at the next meeting of YMCA Vitebsk. What should be mentioned again - MEMBERS! WE ARE WAITING FOR THE MEMBERSHIP FEES!!! THE YEAR IS FINISHING!!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Patriarch Cyril will arrive in Vitebsk

September 27 in the middle of the day the head of the Russian Orthodox Church will arrive in Vitebsk ...

He will lay a wreath at the memorial cross on the site of Vitebsk concentration camps. Then he is going to visit the Holy Virgin Cathedral, there will be a short prayer service.
Approximately at 17.00 Patriarch Cyril will attend the opening ceremony of the Victory Square.
And on September 28 at 11.20 (Attention! Our theologists, Orthodox Christians and anyone interested!) there will be a meeting of the Patriarch with youth, students, scientific and other intrested people in the summer amphitheater! So - come!
P.S. They also talked about "living corridor" through which the patriarch will go. I do not know, let's see ...


Saturday, September 19, 2009

Meeting for all program participants

16 September there was a meeting for all program participants. Although we felt that not everyone would come, and not everyone did, the room was filled with more than 40 people!!!! There were newcomers and experienced volunteers. During the meeting we tried to learn the names of each other, we reviewed the main issues about YMCA history and programs. People determined their positions in certain programs. Kristina, thank you for wonderful devotion!
We were also happy to see our scouts: Volodja and Dima!!!!

16 September we had the first meeting of Social Program. There we talked about our plans, about volunteering. We thank Alla Akatjeva and Andrej for coming there and telling about the children in the "Island of hope"!
So, you can join us and go to the club for disable children "Island of hope"
at 11.00 on Saturdays
at 16.00 on Wednesdays

You can also visit the meeting of youth with eyesight infraction
at 15.00 on Tuesdays and Saturdays

Get in touch with Kristina Mirsalimova!


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Leaders' meeting

5 September there was Leaders' meeting. There we discussed the current issues of YMCA Vitebsk. The next Leaders' meeting will take place on the 15-th of September at 15.00
Leaders will be informed about the place and the agenda personally.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

"Project Management"

12 September the leaders of Educational Circles of YMCA Vitebsk took part in the seminar "Project Management". There they got acquainted with the leaders of educational circles from other organizations, knew more about project management, compiled their own project applications.
Those who wish to become a leader of an Educational Circle we are waiting for you 16 September at 15.00 at the Youth Center!


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Belovezhskaya Pushcha


The evening for newcomers!

11 September we had a wonderful evening for newcomers! Experienced leaders organized different games to have fun and to know each other. In the active form new volunteers got the information about the programs of YMCA Vitebsk. The quiz helped them to know more about world and Vitebsk YMCA. The newcomers had the opportunity to decide what program they want to do. 16 September we are going to have the meetings with the new volunteers within the programs. Welcome!!!
16 September
15.00 Social work
16.00 Tensing
16.00 Youth FOR healthy way of life


Friday, September 11, 2009

One of our many events!

This is a video of one of our many events. It's in Russian, but nevertheless it's interesting to watch!!!

Together we can do a lot!

Autumn 2008. Volunteers of YMCA Vitebsk take part in the feast for disable children "Together we can do a lot!"

Winter Carnival

Volunteers of YMCA Vitebsk go for Winter Carnival to the club "Island of hope". There they run different games, sing and dance together with their young friends.

Sunny visiting!

26 April 2009. We go to the Children's Shelter to play with children who stay without parents. It's so good to have a sunny weather outside and in our souls!


Volunteers of YMCA Vitebsk together with children from the club "Island of hope" go together to Children's shelter to run entertaining program.

Meet spring together!

Volunteers and children of the club "Island of hope" meet spring together, decorating bare trees with colored ribbons.

Exhibition of children from the club "Island of hope"

In the frames of the project "Let's tell about ourselves: social inclusion of disable children" the City museum of art devoted the whole room to the works of children from the club "Island of hope". The exhibition was working for 2 months. That was very important to show that these children are able to create fantastic works and they should be the real part of our society.


Excursion to Mogilev!

13 June 2009 in the frames of the project "Let's tell about ourselves: social inclusion of disable children" volunteers of YMCA Vitebsk together with children and their parents went for the excursion to Mogilev. That was one of many events of this project which helped children from the club "Island of hope" and volunteers of YMCA Vitebsk become friends!


YMCA-Vitebsk barbecue

In summer 2009 leaders of YMCA Vitebsk had a barbecue aiming to have fun, to eat, to play and work, of course! Big THANKS to all who joined it! Let's have more informal meetings to make our life more interesting!


Сity - action "STOP AIDS!"

17 May 2009 volunteers of YMCA Vitebsk were involved in the Belorussian State event "STOP AIDS!". We received the trust to organize a morning event in the City Youth Center, where we organized a theater performance, a wall of wishes to existing generation, memorizing AIDS victims and distribution of literature. In the evening our volunteers were invited to the city concert where we distributed anti-aids literature.


Tuesday, September 8, 2009


YMCA Vitebsk has released the FIRST ISSUE of our NEWSPAPER! Here you can read about our site, our partners, programs and plans. The next issues will be devoted to these and other topics in details. We plan to tell about our leaders and partners, to tell the stories of events, to share our dreams, success and sorrows with you!

You can be a part of YMCA Vitebsk life: SUBSCRIBE NOW and you will get every electronic version to your e-mail!


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Our nearest plans

15 October at 17.00 is the meeting of new multiplicators for the appraisal and development.

October 24-25 - Workshop on the preparation of multiplicators on "Ecology" in Volozhin.

October 17-18 - the final stage of training "TTT" in Kishinev.
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